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Rising Damp in sydney

Rising Damp Sydney Company

If you grew up in Sydney Australia I am sure you may have heard of the term rising damp. This is an extremely common mould issue that is found mainly in older properties in the Sydney Metropolitan. Well, it’s not really a new issue. It has probably existed since the dawn of men.

You will find many older homes in Sydney and near Sydney affected by this especially those homes built before 1970. Residential houses and buildings during that time were not built with damp proof courses making them prone to rising damp issues. The damp-proof course was not yet a legal construction requirement back then.

If you need professional solutions to rising damp in your Sydney home, contact us at ABC Mould Cleaning Solutions.

To put things simply the main cause of this mould is underground water seeping through the tiny holes in your walls or masonry. This causes condensation to form, along with the right environmental conditions such as warm air or heating. With this, you have yourself a rising damp issue.

If you believe you have a Rising Damp issue, don’t hesitate to contact us now.

Also check out our Solar Panels Cleaning.

Rising Damp on the Walls & Corners of Your Home

Rising damp is not only unsightly but can also cause extensive damage to your home or business. It can be very dangerous to the health of your family members or your employees. Rising Damp, as its name implies, begins from the ground and will slowly move upward. It will attack walls and will be creeping and eating the structure of your property.

It may sound like an exaggeration but it is certainly true that dampness can cause you unthinkable damages if not treated immediately. It is so true that it may lead to the ultimate collapse of your home or property. Not to mention the health issues it brings.

It is common to find the problem in the corners of the walls due to the easier accumulation of condensation. This usually is in the areas where there is poor or no ventilation. With the rising damp comes the overwhelming growth of mould. Mould is a live organism that eats away and damages the walls. If left untreated can lead to water leaks and water damage amongst other issues.

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Rising Damp Treatment Sydney

When it comes to any mould in Sydney, it is best to seek treatment by the services of a specialist. The area needs to be waterproofed by the injection of specialized waterproofing formulas into the walls of the property. Rising Damp is not an issue to be taken lightly. This can not only cause structural damage to the Sydney homeowner. If breathed in, it can cause major health and respiratory issues.

Rising Damp Preys on the Vulnerable

If this type of mould is affecting your home or property, you may want to think not only of yourself but possibly other residents of the premises. One example is if you have anyone living on the property with asthma. Breathing in spores to anyone suffering from existing breathing problems example emphysema can have extreme knock-on effects.

If you have elderly relatives or even young children and babies living with Rising Damp it is best to speak with a mould specialist. This dangerous mould can affect people being treated for cancer and other illnesses. This ugly mould does not discriminate when it comes to weaker or more vulnerable in society.

Did you know Rising Damp attracts Termites?

Once you have Rising Damp, your problems may have only just begun. Rising Damp will attract termites. As mentioned earlier this can have devastating effects on any property. Termites, as we have all known, can again help weaken structures. Left untreated can even cause the collapse of a part of your home or property.

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Rising Damp Specialists Sydney

We are Rising Damp specialists near Sydney. For over 15 years we have been helping the residents of Sydney fight this problem. We use specialized waterproofing techniques that ensure results. Not only do we eradicate all types of moulds, we can also test and clean the air of the property.

Mould spores can travel and can be hazardous to health. Talk to us about air purification solutions. The air we breathe is everything so if you want the best for yourself and your family. Don’t hesitate to reach out.

We have been servicing Sydney homes and business properties to fix rising damp problems. Find out what they say about us on Google My Business.

Facts About Rising Damp.