Air Purification in sydney
Air Purification Service Sydney Company
Are you searching for high-quality air purification Sydney services near me? Trust ABC Mould Solutions With the help of the latest technological devices, our team of experts delivers the best results possible. Our main priority at ABC Mould Solutions is to deal with any problem as soon as it arises. Whenever possible, you should act quickly to improve indoor air quality. It can negatively affect your health as well as your property.

Top-Rated Air Purification Service Sydney Experts
We offer quality services speaking of interior air pollution caused by moulds. Specifically, our skilled staff are known for their quality services and years of experience in this industry. Our air purification service Sydney will offer will certainly make your home ambiance much better and healthy to live in.
How clean is the air you breathe in your home? Have you ever had someone tell you to go outside and get fresh air, it’s definitely a true saying!! The air inside a typical home is more contaminated than the air outside.
The air inside your home can be high in humidity from showering, cooking and condensation build-up specially in Sydney and near Sydney. This can increase the possibility of mould growth in your residence or business. Even our own viruses from cold and flu, along with sealing up areas for heating and cooling. The result of this is not as healthy as we would like it to be.
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How a twice-yearly air clean could help you achieve and how do I know I get what I am paying for works?
Here are a few reasons why.
- Feel good that the dust, germs, viruses, mould, bacteria will be reduced and so will the allergic reactions to these contaminants
- Save money as indoor air can be contaminated by mould spores carried in on clothing or other items. given the right moisture, a mould infestation could grow. Our air treatment will reduce the need for mould removal treatments which can be costly depending on the size of infestation.
- Healthier air quality indoors, did you know that one sneeze can contaminate the air in a room. The air clean treatment will attract all contaminates and purify the air.
- Tests results have proven that it works not only on mould but destroys bacteria and viruses. Also, customers have often remarked about how our clean air treatment has helped with them and their children’s allergies and asthma problems.
Schedule Your Cleaning Now & Get Free Estimate
Please find below product information for the treatment we use.
The product used in this process is called GM2000. The GM2000 is a proprietary product and was specially engineered to be effective in eliminating mould spores. As a note, the testing of this product has included skin irritation testing, also known as Acute Dermal Irritation/Corrosion testing and showed results at no signs of erythema or edema at any time with examinations conducted at 60minutes, 24,48 and 72 hours.
What this means is that the product can be classified as a non-skin irritant product in Sydney. We have performed many treatments with occupants with such ailments as MS and patients with chemotherapy treatments. Further testing of the product regarding its biodegradability was conducted with the result described as “rapid and excellent biodegradability”. Our product achieved a degradation of 95% with a substance that has greater than 70% described as having excellent biodegradability.
Most recently, GM2000 was tested by EMSL Analytical. It was able to effectively disinfect (kill) both Stachybotrys chartarum and Aspergillus niger after 24 h exposure at room temperature. Specifically, GM 2000 was able to reduce Aspergillus niger by >99.99998% and Stachybotrys chartarum by >99.99996% after exposure for 24 hrs. GM2000 is being tested frequently for its efficiency in the elimination of mould. It is successfully used by Goldmorr Master Technicians in the United States where post-remediation testing is more common.
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Just something to think about, Our clean air treatment process is simple, safe and 99.9% successful and cost-effective. one treatment every six months is recommended.
If you are experiencing any of these issues please call us on 0488866853 or use the contact page provided for your convenience. Talk to our experts about our air purification service near Sydney.
Facts About Air Purification.